Get What You Really Want

Crystal Clear Automation

Go Beyond What is Humanly Possible

Get "Genie in The Bottle" AI, quantum computing and automation to create optimal transportation and agricultural systems

Evolve Optimal multi-modal Solutions and Simulate them in High Fedelity for your Real World Community

Get a 3D augmented reality Digital Twin for your Community

Shrink the cost and life cycle of all transportation project phases, by automating :
  • Engagement
  • Planning
  • Design
  • Build
  • Operate & Maintain
Our focus is to simulate integrated transportation solutions for specific metro regions. Then, evolve the optimal designs based on "User" weighted goals:
  • Equity - access, fare cost
  • Trip Time
  • Safety
  • Ridership capacity
  • Cost - design, build, O&M
  • Reliability
  • Emissions
  • Build time=frame

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
Athur C. Clarke

Click HERE to get AI super intelligence and smart robots for Landcare and Agriculture.

Click HERE to talk with TransWizard AI super intelligence about how it can make our streets safe

New technologies need to first be simulated with high fidelity for actual proposed builds to evaluate cost performance.

Autonomous Guideways      Get You There Faster Safer
But still have the "last mile" problem of getting people all the way to where they wish to go. The answer is integrating the best features of car travel with the best features of transit.
Join us in simulating optimized final origin-to-destination multi-modal solutions at scale.

Autonomous Guideways aka Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) is the only mode of transit that can eliminate traffic congestion and emissions while eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries.

To learn more about the cost effectiveness and benefits of PRTs listen to Glydways CEO, Mark Seeger's talk from here.

Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come, Glydways secured its 2nd autonomous guideway project and $56 million in additional funding. If Bill Gates is investing in PRT, maybe you should too.

While there only a few Personal Rapid Transit Systems (PRT) in Existence, the ones we do have are phenomenal. PRT at Heathrow Airport

We create ultimate transportation networks by going beyond what is humanly possible

with AI and Quantum Computing

Here's a prototype AI chatbot you can ask about Baltimore's Highway to Nowhere Redevelopment project.

We can help Communities apply both AI and Digital Twin Technologies to allow citizen to design the communities they want.
Digital Twin
Software generated autonmous guidway design examples
Edmondson Village Baltimore generated autonomous guideway design

Downtown Fort Worth

NYC 231st Subway retrofit

Rockville MD optimized field of view smart camera

All possible right-of-ways in recent Baltimore cooridor study. Blue-road red-railway

Genetic algoritms use these right-of-ways with AI scanners to find optimal alignments and stations placements

Above links ay take a while to load data

AI Generated TransWizards

Will optimize any aspect of your transportation Cap Ex and O & M process

AI Generated Super heros with ForeSight powers

Can predict where crashes will occur

AI Generated Super heros with LifeGuard powers

Can, using Foresight predictions, design optimal sensor networks to prevent crashes

Pick an AI Super Hero and tell him Where you like it to prevent crashes

Elephants Can't Jump - Dematerialze the World

We use AI generative design to make optimal sustainable vehicles

Our passenger pods run autonomously on dedicated guideways. On 270 they can run at grade for the cost of a bike path. One four foot lane of guideway can carry as many people as 5 lanes of highway traffic. This means, instead of widening 270 for toll lanes, we can eliminate lanes and make 270 thinner reducing its environmental impact.

On the American Legion Bridge, the ultra light pods can run on elevated guideways or guideways hung from the sides for the cost of a foot bridge. No or little bridge reinforcement is needed.

On adjacent arterial roads, guideways would be elevated for the cost of a foot bridge.

Unlike conventional transit, our pods can be driven off the guideway to your final destination as low speed vehicles (LSV) on roads with 30 mph or less speed limits or as regular cars on any road.

Click to see the MoCo roads our low speed vehicles can be driven on

The map displays color clusters of MoCo LSV streets which are connected. Even though clusters are connected travel through larger clusters is not efficient. As travel usually takes a less than direct route.

Adding higher speed autonomous guideways, along some major arterial (state highways), connects many separated LSV road clusters. Making wider area LSV travel possible and in a more direct manner.

Here is a map of connected streets for low speed vehciles, when connected with higher speed 35 MPH autnomous guideways along MD 355, RT 29 and New Hampshire Avenue.
Will need a few autonomous guideway spurs on Great Seneca Hwy

Crystal Clear Automation, LLC 301 916-5722 Email